Alinhamento entre estratégiam de negócio e estratégia de TI- uma abordagem configural: o caso da lojas insinuante.




The present work, has as central question to verify the alignment between the strategy of business and the strategy of Information Technology(IT) in the Lojas Insinuante, a company of Grupo IN. Initially a contextualization of IT evolution is made, culminating with the Paradox of the Productivity and its relation with the studies of strategical alignment. Later a survey of the main theoretical models is presented that they aim at to evaluate the Alignment between the area of IT and the area of business, moreover, in order to correct a gap of the alignment models the concepts of strategy and the diverse schools of strategical thought are revised. The final objective of this work is to explain as the process of strategical alignment in the Lojas Insinuante occurred from the constructed relation between the schools of the strategical thought and the models of alignment.


information technology tecnologia da informação escolas do pensamento estratégico strategical alignment estratégia strategy alinhamento estratégico school of strategical thought administracao de empresas

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