acesso à justiça; terceiro setor; instrumentos de cooperação; democratização do acesso à justiça; convênio; garantias de tutela jurisdicional / Acesso à justiça: instrumentos do processo de democratização da tutela jurisdicional




In Brazil, a quite expressive number of people - as a matter of fact all the population between the socioeconomic elite, which is able to pay the charges of competent lawyers with its own resources, and a huge popular bulk which relies on the public judicial assistance does not have access to judicial support. It happens because of their monthly income (around three minimum salaries); due to their income they do not have the right for public assistance and on the other side no money enough for a private service. However, the admittance to justice is a guaranteed right in the Constitution of 1988. First, we emphasize the access to a lawyer as sine qua non condition to make possible that all Brazilians would have a satisfactory customer support (and consequently, to fulfill the constitutional guarantee), we propose the resource socalled third sector under the supervision or regulation of the Public Defender itself. We then understand that the inclusion of all Brazilian people in the range of the judicial support, which is made possible by the association between the State and the third sector, fulfilling the constitutional right, will turn individuals into citizens and will establish a real democratization of justice.


access to justice agreement terceiro setor instrumentos de cooperação convênio garantias de tutela jurisdicional direito democratização do acesso à justiça instruments of cooperation garantees for the jurisdictional protection democratic access to justice acesso à justiça third sector

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