Abordagem ambiental em livros didáticos de ciências de 1 a 8 série em 1983 e 2008: um estudo comparativo




This research developed in the Research Group Philosophy and Education EDUCOGITANS, group that acts adjoining the Post Graduation in Education Program Mastering in Education of the Regional University of Blumenau, reports the challenge to develop of the goods production, to promote well-being and high technology with environmental preservation and to maintain the life with dignity. The environmental question passes by the discussion that it is necessary to change the actual pattern of production and consumption. It is also necessary to change the energetic sources to the renewable and clean founts, considering that it is also to establish relations that value and respect all the biosphere occupants and all the structures that supports the life. To deal with these questions this research promoted a theoretician debate about sustainability and the education mission in this panorama. Between 70s and 90s of the 20th century emerges the Environmental Education as support to the environmental paradigm. In a period of twenty years the Environmental Education didnt get to impose as an important somewhat and the referential for the education, being enable to guide the educative processes for the changing the behavior against the progressive environmental impacts. Since 1992 the Ecopedagogia is the new paradigm. This pedagogy is based on The Earth Charter and it is supported in the ethics and in the Care principles how the greater referential. While educative including proposition, the Ecopedagogia proposes the changing the human, social and environmental relations, considering the sustainability, the autonomy and the human liberation. Also it promotes confront against the market predatory logic that it is manifested in the human and environmental degradation. This logic results of the accumulation and the unsustainable use of the nature resources. The research comparing the Keims analysis done, in 1983/1984, in the Sciences scholar books with the analysis done in the Sciences scholar books edited in the 2007/2008 years. Both books collection had been appraised by the research instrument called IARA, which was constructed in the theoretician support of this study for to make possible a confrontation between two historic scholar books collection. After almost three decades, this research verified after the collect, analysis, treatment and the interpretation dates that there are authors of Sciences scholar books that debate the environmental question in the subjects of their books, while there are other authors publish their scholar books based on the anthropological view, which basis is the domination and the subjugation all the environmental components. It is permitted to understand, after search in a corpus of the 32 scholar Sciences books, 16, from Keims research 1984 and 16 from 2007/2008 collections, that the comprehension about the means of life needs much more discuss and to be more explicit and contending. This search based on the environmental, market and ethics movement, it was based on Subject Analyze and qualitative perspective. As it was enounced the environmental notes was done in the index card named IARA, built based on five analyze aspects and on 25 environmental indicators from the sustainability values and principles constants on The Earth Charter, the Agenda 21 and the pertinent bibliography. After compared the environmental notes in those scholar Sciences books, the conclusion is that there are much more to advance to ontological and environmental education, because the responsibility for the preservation, recuperation and maintenance of ecosystems and life communities is all humans, because we shall bequeath an Environmental Education that promotes the care of the humans and the others Earth environmental components


ecopedagogia scholar sciences books livros didáticos; educação ambiental ecopedagogia livros didáticos de ciências educação education educacao

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