A tipificação dos crimes financeiros como forma de limitação do abuso do poder econômico




The typification of financial crimes contained in Law 7.492/86 is featured as one of the possibilities to limit the economic power abuse and arises out of the normative and regulatory function of the economic activity the Federal Constitution confers to the State Although the current system has legal mechanisms in the administrative scope that aim at eradicating or minimizing this unacceptable abuse, said mechanisms do not prove to be enough and efficient. The objective of this research was to demonstrate that only the Criminal Law - herein represented by the crimes against the national financial system - can limit the abuses arising out of the Economic Power by imposing severe reprimands, such as the preventive custody and the application of the indispensable deprivation of freedom, which is the only way to reach the aspired preventive effect of the punishment by confinement. The criminological profile of the white-collar criminal is completely different from that of the conventional criminal. As a result of their high social status, economic infringers: have unlimited access to legal information; clearly understand the consequences of their illicit acts; do not depend on the crime practice to subsist. Thus, only the criminal law, by adopting the above mentioned severe measures together with the constriction of properties and values, will limit said undesired behaviors, changing from minimum criminal law into maximum criminal law, being featured as prima ratio in respect to the combat to economic and financial crimes.


limitação ao abuso do poder econômico crimes financeiros direito penal máximo limitation of the economic power maximum criminal law direito abuse financial crimes

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