â Se pudesse ressurgir eu viria como o ventoâ: Das narrativas da dor, um estudo sobre prÃticas de modificaÃÃes corporais e afetividades na ExperiÃncia da Travestilidade / âIf I could resurrect I would come as the windâ: From narratives of pain, a study on the practice of corporal modification and affective in the transvestite experience




Since modern times, occidental contemporary societies have been suggesting a self âpollutingâ imaginary, primarily through the institutionalization of heterosexuality; of the ânaturalizingâ atmosphere of sexed-bodies; and from the medicinal and judiciary discourse, which infers the normal and the abnormal. Transvestites seem to find themselves on the limit of many of these polluting meaning-givers, not belonging to the bodies that matter, of the sexed and intelligible bodies, where usually the question of transsexuality is approached in its grotesque and eroticized dimension, and its hybridism, or even the possibility of existence of this hybridism, becomes a revealing factor of the non-linearity necessary between sexual desire, gender and body. Demonstrating, this way, the living flesh, in a pulsating social performance, the manufactured character of these representations, which are at all times articulated between each other, through gender identifications experienced through cognitive issues, related to the idea of âdesiring-selvesâ and self-construction, and to more objective issues, which reveal the reiteration of sexuality devices and cultural matrixes of the perception of the individual, that help him to formulate the imaginary about himself and the world. Thus, the emotional experiences delivered through ânarratives of painâ, are a central aspect in this work, aiming to perceive through this discourse, and through its representations in the experience of the living corporalities, the questions which involve breaches of the essential representations; experiences and abjective states and quotidian subversion. Following an anthropological approach to gender, and dialoguing with the so called âqueerâ theories, it was possible to understand that two languages mingle themselves in these ânarratives of painâ, found in the experience of transvestism: âThe political languageâ, where discourses of social affront and consequent abjection are aligned; and that of âSatisfactionâ, related to the suffering of the corporal modification practices, signified as a positive factor, of realization, achievement and adequation. These two languages become elements of a diffuse game, and what was chosen to reflect on in this work, was how these articulations between pleasure and pain, between identification and exclusion occur, showing itself as a profitable field of investigation for this theme, in which the narratives of pain lead us to think about the articulations between action and emotion, at the same time as it delineates pain as politics, acting as a distinctive element of its trajectories. The idea of pain appears here, as reflexivity and field of intervention, where dignity and human condition will be affirmed


performance dor corporalidade gender antropologia abjeÃÃo pain gÃnero performance corporality teoria queer travestilidade abjection queer theory transvestism

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