A responsabilidade a partir de Emanuel Levinas: dimensÃo de concretude Ãtica para nosso contexto




This research aims at investigating the responsibility for the other in its fundamental concretion which can be identified as the ethics of Emmanuel Levinas, the essential theme for the attainment of the human condition. Our purpose is to identify subjectivity as responsibility in such a way that one can be oriented towards this human condition. Levinas presents the ethical relationship based on the alterity as a means to overcome the violation between a selfish I and the other, Then there comes the search for exposing the constitution of the human subject that manifests itself in the acknowledgement of the alterity of the other. Our focus presents the metaphysical dimension as the desire that builds up openings that will allow us to overcome the condition of centering in the I and moving to towards a truly ethical condition that is achieved through good will to the other. We chose to emphasize a philosophy that finds its truth in the justice of the other, an ethical truth requires some asymmetric responsibility and justice is made known by the face of the other, going beyond these identifiable/recongnizable features when a high meaning is acquired and accepted as infinite. We finally emphasize the responsibility that institutes a praxis as a form of acknowledging the other, of radically accepting the exteriority that is presented in the face-toface, including the pain of the other. At this point we go from Levinas to Dussel pursuing the practical demand existing in a being that is responsible for the other.


filosofia Ãtica da alteridade responsibility for the other ethics of alterity responsabilidade pelo outro

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