A prÃtica de ensino na formaÃÃo docente: conversando com os/as discentes-professore/as




This research tried to comprehend the receptivity of the pupil-teachers to the nowadays Teaching Practice at the Graduation Course. It is based on national writers (FREIRE, 1996; TANCREDI, 1998; PIMENTA, 2001; MONTEIRO, 2002; MARCONDES, 2001, SANTIAGO e BATISTA NETO 2002) and international writers (TARDIF, 2002; NÃVOA, 1995; SCHON, 1995; ZEICHNER, 1995) that write about teacherâs development and Teaching Practice. It was a qualifying research and itâs field was the Faculdade de Filosofia CiÃncias e Letras de Caruaru â FAFICA â placed on the rough of Pernanbuco and where is the Teaching Practice Center. The instruments of data search was the documental research, questionnaires aplication and interviews, to the analysis and interpretation, we used the contents analysis on Bardin view. The results of the research showed that, through out the development of the activities of the Teaching Practice, the pupil-teachers are breaking with the comprehension of practice as imitation of models, drilling themselves by a critical posture about the reality and they ratify the necessity of this curricular topic to the teacher development, despite of they donât agree with the way that teachers are treated, they purpose other kinds of activities. The still showed that the big defy about he Teaching Practice is the rehearsal on the Graduating Institution, the Practicing Field Schools and the no scholar places to develop an articulated work


higher teaching prÃtica de ensino formaÃÃo de professores/as ensino superior teachingp practice teacherâs ddevelopment educacao

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