A gestão de marcas como referencial competitivo: um estudo de caso da marca Cafés do Brasil




The purpose of this work is to analyze the activities Brazil uses to build the brand Cafés do Brasil to conquer a privileged position, changing the image of a great exporter of quantity instead of quality. Colombia will be a standard of comparison, because its brand Café de Colombia is well recognized as a case of success, especially in the largest coffee consumer market, USA. To better understand this subject, a conceptual review was made regarding the Coffee History in the World and in Brazil, besides the data about the coffee market. A conceptual review about branding management was conduct, analyzing the theoretical models, including analysis about the concept Country Brand, a relevant aspect in this work. The relevant elements extracted from the theoretical review were confronted with the reality found in the organizations responsible by Cafés do Brasil branding management. The major conclusions of this study show that Brazil is focused in functional aspects of the product, due to the wide number of activities related to quality warranty and promotion of the Brazilian grounds and there are opportunities in the branding practice. There are several indicators that Brazil could utilize aspects of its national identity to search a point of differentiation in its product and the organizations in charge of the brand have realized the necessity of going deeper in this strategy, Obviously this work has its limitations, but one of its contributions is to warn the Brazilian organizations which manage the Cafés do Brasil brand identity that through using branding their competitiveness would be better against their competitors


café administracao brand management gestão de marcas marca registrada -- marketing branding marketing branding cafe -- industria -- brasil marketing coffee

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