A função social das patentes de medicamentos.




The main objective of this essay is the analysis of the application of the Social Function of Propertys principle on the medical patents. It will be verified that this principle impose the patent titulars to commercialize medicines with reasonable prices without excessive profits making possible the access to the poor people. As for that the text was divided into five main themes each one treated in a specific chapter: Constitucionallization of Civil Law; The Property; The Industrial Property; The Medical Patents; Social Function of Medical Patents. It will mention different topics as a analyses of the migration of Civil Law to the Federal Constitution (called constitucionalization); the property existence; the study of industrial property as one of the species of property with special attention to the patents; the medical patents their costs and their insertion on science production; the extension of Social Function Principle to the medical patents. It will bring modern issues about the theme as the generic medicine, the genes patent the transgenic patent all the international deals about it the patents break . After the research it will be concluded that the Propertys Social Function the main and unifying element of all properties have total application to medical patents. The social function property consists in a constitutional principle witch its maximization observes the constitutional legality. In this matter the author will trace paths to concretize nationally and globally the medicine access bringing up functional measures. Due to its interdisciplinary theme it was analyzed constitutional civil international and commercial doctrine and legislation and also jurisprudence of the main tribunals in Brazil. It also brought up references related to medical and law from other countries legitimizing as best the research realized.


função social patente de medicamento direito social function patentes quebra de patente medical patents intellectual property patents break propriedade intelectual patents

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