A educação profissional tecnológica de graduação sob os impactos do neoliberalismo




The current scenario portrays a time of great contradictions, in which the scientific and technological progress is ordained by holders of the capital. The neoliberal ideology tends to be associated with the processes of globalization of capital and market, which aims to liberate the capital to its destructive nature. In the field of Education for Graduate Training Technology, the hegemony of the market just thought the project teaching, based in the ideology of teaching skills and employability. In order to examine the policies of the Professional Education and Technology of Graduate and outline the impacts and consequences that neoliberalism exercises on these policies, is used as a literature search methodology and analysis documentary, in the period 1995 to 2007, with the categories: work, education, professional education and technology. At first, we examine the work establishing the difference between the understanding of it as a specific category of social being - size ontology - of the ways that he took under the command of capitalism. Then seek contextualize the meaning of education and professional education. In a second moment, describes the journey of history courses Superior Courses of Technology and the laws that supported its creation. Later, it made specific Laws to the analysis underlying the formulation and training for these courses. We signaling that the Vocational Education Technology of Graduate has two dimensions: an education formatted templates to the capital, but also of possibility and alternative, in its broad sense.


educação profissional educacao education educational policy trabalho políticas educacionais labor technology tecnologia educação profissional vocational education

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