A DinÃmica colonial portuguesa e as redes de poder local na Capitania do MaranhÃo




The biggest focus of this study is the ânetsâ of families who had headed the process of settling of the pombalino MaranhÃo. The verification contemplates the beam of bonds, the personal interests, the creation and integration, (but also, and over all, disintegration) through these nets, of the territorial, economic spaces, social politicians and in general, that they had constituted one of the basic faces of the colonizadora experience in this region. Objective also to verify the gestation of these nets of families in the colonial MaranhÃo: its composition, the alliances, the way of reproduction, heterogeneidades, hierarchies and tensions. Another challenge of the research is to mainly identify as, in the vestiges consisting of the private sources, wills and inventories post mortem, produced for members of these families, evidence the entanglement and so devices of âthe familiarâ relations in formation appear as that permeing the property relations, the types of properties, the sizes and compositions of the richnesses, as well as the sphere of the expenses


portuguese america estado do grÃo-parà e maranhÃo the state of grÃo-parà and maranhÃo historia redes de poder local amÃrica portuguesa nets of being able local

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