A (des)contrução pela ironia: vozes veladas e desveladas nas narrativas curtas de Moacyr Scliar




Seeing that irony is a linguistic-discursive strategy aimed at unveiling the human being and his experiences contradictions, and, therefore, revealing an indirect argumentation from the enunciator toward these contradictions, the present dissertation intends to verify the process and function of this strategy in some short narratives by Moacyr Scliar. In other words, our purpose is to understand how the enunciator from each of Scliars ironic texts, in his own peculiar way, structures the constitutive aspects of irony, in order to tacitly question the reification of the human relations, carried out by the contemporary capitalist society. In this structural organization it is noteworthy that the enunciators indirect questioning rises from the confrontation it promotes among his ideological point-of-view, the characters and the narrators worldview. This confrontation allows the inference of the unveiled values that are, as a result, sneakily dethroned by the enunciator, which makes the enunciatee have a deeper reflection on the reason why these values are being questioned.


enunciative voices hierarchy letras argumentação indireta tensão entre o dito e o não dito indirect argument hierarquia enunciativa de vozes tension between the said and the non-said words

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