A correspondência entre o fazer e o dizer no auto-relato de crianças: uma replicação de Ribeiro (1981.1989)


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Frequently, verbal reports are misreported and the `relation of correspondence between the action and the speech is cut off. The triggering event thereof is specific consequences end up taking control of the verbal report. This study is intended to focus in the correspondence relationship between the "to do" and the "to say" in pre-school children s self-report, in free- play situation, by replication of Ribeiro s study (1981, 1989). The childrens were individually exposed to play situation, which were then followed by report period on what they had done. Eight children aged 3 to 5 participated in the study. This study was intended to compare results to those determined by Ribeiro (1981, 194,9) and to analyse the children s self-reports, in light of Skinnerian tact and mand concepts. Generally speaking, the results were similar to those determined by Ribeiro (1981, 1989). At first, most children made correspondent reports. In the next two phases, reports of play were differentially reinforced, initially, in the individual condition and, secondly, in the goup condition. Two out of the eight children, while giving their reports alone, misreported. When reports of play was reinforced in the condition group, five children misreported. When the correspondence between verbal reports and non verbal behavior was reinforced, the children of this study took longer to corresponding than the children of the Ribeiro s study (1981, 1989)


psicologia experimental treino de correspondência tato e mando auto-relato comportamento governado por regras dizer a verdade e mentir brincadeiras relacoes humanas em criancas comportamento verbal correspondence training verbal behavior tact and mand self-report rule-governed behavior truth telling and lying

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