A conversaÃÃo de pessoas com transtornos mentais: um estudo dos turnos conversacionais, dos marcadores e do fenÃmeno da relevÃncia / A conversation of people with mental disorders: A study of conversational shift, and the phenomenon of labels of relevance


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This research presents an analysis of the conversation of mentally disturbed people focusing on three main aspects: it investigates the conversational markers used in their interactions, it verifies how conversation participants interact with one another and, finally, it analyses the relevance phenomenon. In order to reach our aim, we have analysed the conversation of thirty-five patients of the Centro de AtenÃÃo (CAPS) of QuixadÃ, in Brazilâs northeastern state of Cearà who had their conversations recorded during 1988, 1999 and 2000. The results of the analysis have indicated that both in periods of onset or not, mentally disturbed people give continuation to conversational turns that require the mandatory formation of na adjacency pair, use more post-positioned conversational signals than pre-positioned ones, and utilize more converging and enquiring conversational markers than diverging ones. The hypothesis that, when in crises, the conversation of mentally disturbed people present a greater weakening of the relevance phenomenon has also been confirmed. The study highlights that the conversation of such people is, to some extent, coherent and relevant. This fact calls for a revision as regards the conceptions that defend the isolation of these people by preconceiving them unable of social interaction


linguistica anÃlise da conversaÃÃo pessoas com transtornos mentais marcadores conversacionais turnos conversacionais relevÃncia conversation of mentally disturbed people conversational markers conversational turns relevance analise da conversacao e doentes mentais analise do discurso e doentes mentais

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