Quantification of the permanent preservation and legal reserve areas and of their economic impacts in the Rio Pomba basin in Minas Gerais / Quantificação das áreas de preservação permanente e reserva legal e de seus impactos econômicos na Bacia do Rio Pomba em Minas Gerais




The main objective of this study was to evaluate the economic impact of the establishment of permanent preservation areas (APPs) and of the legal reserve areas (ARLs) in properties of the basin of the Rio Pomba, Forest Zone of the State of Minas Gerais, in the municipality of Rio Pomba, Brazil. The work sampling was composed of 47 rural properties, which corresponds to 10% of the number of properties shown in the agriculture and Stock Raising Census 1995-1996 (IBGE, 2005), for the municipality of Rio Pomba that was proportionally stratified in six strata. The stratification criterion was the size of each area. The first step of data collection consisted in a survey with GPS, in each property, where the borders of the property and of the forest fragments were traveled over. Also every springs were marked to check with the cartographic base of the IBGE, allowing the modernization and an accurate calculation of the APPs around then. These data were processed in the ArcView 3.3 and ArcMap 9.0 softwares, and next, the Elevation Digital Model (MDE) was generated allowing the demarcation of APPs of hilltop, mountain ridgelines, margins of streams and around springs. The second step of data collection consisted in the use of a questionnaire to evaluate the level of knowledge of the land owners in relation to the APPs and ARLs, to identify the reasons that prevents then to fulfill the legislation and to know the annual net income of each property to calculate the possible economic impact of the establishment of these areas. The results obtained show that all the properties researched were in disagreement with the law, both related to the APPs and to the ARL since that, according to the owners interviewed, the majority of them do not know what are APPs and ARL. From the total area of the 47 properties studied (1.854,35ha), 811,35ha are APPs and ARLs, that corresponds to 43,79% of the total area, according to the legislation in vigor. From this total of APPs and ARLs required (811,35ha),only 171,17ha, or 21,09%, are in accordance to the legislation, remaining a deficit of 640,18ha that corresponds to the APPs and ARL to be established. For an annual net income of R$633.880,75, the establishment of the APPs and ARLs causes an impact of R$240.238,14 corresponding to 38.08% of the total net income. The mean opportunity coast obtained based on the economic activities develop in this properties is of R$341,83ha-1.ano-1, which corresponds to the net income value that the producer will not receive for each hectare in which the APP or the ARL will be established. The results obtained show that when the are established, the cattle raising as the main activity of this region will became unviable, since these areas occupy a high percentage of these properties, mainly the holms, that are considered the most important ones in income generation in this type of activity.


reserva legal legal reserve Áreas de preservação permanente legislação floretal economic impacts impacto econômico permanent preservation areas forestry legislation manejo florestal

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