Modelos de precificação de opções com saltos: análise econométrica do modelo de Kou no mercado acionário brasileiro / Option pricing models with jumps: econometric analysis of the Kuos model in the Brazilian equity market




This master dissertation reviews the academic literature about option pricing and hedging with jumps. The theory was equalized and the notation was standardized, becoming this document a reference document about this subject. The log-normality with constant volatility is not accepted by the market. Academics search consistent models with the same analytical capabilities like Black-Scholes? model which can support the observed leptokurtosis or asymmetry of the financial daily log-returns behavior. The jump models are an alternative to these issues. The Kou?s model was evaluated and this one consists of two parts: the first part being continuous and following a geometric Brownian motion and the second being a jump process with its jump intensity defined by a double exponential distribution. The model backtesting showed a better predictive performance of the Kou´s model against other models. However, there are some handicaps regarding to the parameters calibration and hedging.


kou s model calibration opções financeiras finance finanças incomplete market volatility derivative black-scholes - model lévy process derivativos european option

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