Identidades evidenciadas na fala-em-interação em aulas de alfabetização de jovens e adultos




This study aims at investigating the co-construction of identities in talk-in-interaction (BUCHOLTZ and HALL, 2003, 2005; ZIMMERMAN, 1998) as evidenced in interactions in adult literacy classrooms. In order to provide a better understanding of the setting and participants, a brief history of adult education in Brazil is presented, particularly focusing on the process of formal schooling of adult students. The concepts of literacy and language learning, which are relevant for the current investigation, are also discussed. Based on the assumption that talking is acting, the analysis of turns at talk provides for the investigation of actions by which interactants co-construct their identities. Based on the frameworks of Interactional Sociolinguistics (GUMPERZ, 1982, 2002; GOFFMAN, 1975, 1981, 1999, 2002, among others), of Conversation Analysis (SACKS, SCHEGLOFF, JEFFERSON, 1974; POMERANTZ, FEHR, 1997, among others) and of ethnographic and microethnographic methods, identities emically oriented to by participants as the interaction unfolds are discussed. Observation was performed in a group named Stage I, which corresponds to first and second grades of Elementary School. The corpus is comprised of seven classes observed from beginning to end, of which six were audio recorded and four were video recorded. Selected excerpts of the corpus are presented and, based on transcripts of the recorded material, the orientation to discursive and situated identities (ZIMMERMAN, 1998) is identified and analyzed. On the one hand, the present study is intended to contribute to Applied Linguistics as it investigates the setting of adult education, still rarely approached by the combined perspective of Interactional Sociolinguistics and Conversation Analysis, and as it discusses the emergence of identities emically oriented to by participants in face-to-face interactions. On the other hand, it is intended to contribute to the field of Education as a first step towards a discussion of adult education in a different light, considering the participants perspectives, thus presenting alternative possibilities for reassessing the complex doing of classroom interaction with adult students, who bring so many expectations and identities into play


adultos microethnography sociolingüística interacional educação identidades interactional sociolinguistics identities análise da conversa talk-in-interaction education conversation analysis fala-em-interação jovens microetnografia linguistica aplicada

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