Identidades de gênero emergentes na fala-em-interação em negociação da esterilização




The poststructuralist conception of identity, no longer seen as static, pre-discursive and natural, nor centered in the arguments of deficit, dominance and difference, proposes that there are several identities negotiated in situated sociocultural contexts (BUCHOLTZ and HALL, 2005; WENGER, 1998; ECKERT and McCONNELL-GINET, 1992; OSTERMANN, 2003, 2006; BUTLER, 1999, 2003; SPEER, 2005). People learn to be part of a social group within communities of practices (WENGER, 1998; LAVE and WENGER, 1991), through shared and negotiated practices, mainly in interaction, thus learning to be females and males within a continuous and life-long process. Locking up a person in fixed and binary categories ends up removing their agency in the world (BUTLER, 1990, 1993), restricting them to biological and cultural determinations. The big narrative (CAMERON, 2005) that positions men and women as universal categories suffers a shift within the poststructuralist perspective, since there is no ontological essence in gender identities, but diverse social constructions, performed by the agents in each new interaction and within different contexts. It is through the microanalysis of naturalistic data of talk-in-interaction, through an ethnomethodological insertion (COULON, 1995) and under the theoretical and methodological approaches of Conversation Analysis (SACKS, 1982; WOOFFITT, 2005; HUTCHBY and WOOFFITT, 1998), Membership Categorization Analysis (SACKS, 1992; SILVERMAN, 1998; PSATHAS, 1999) and Interactional Sociolinguistics (OSTERMANN, 2003; GUMPERZ, 1982; GOFFMAN, 1995) that this research study investigates how patients wishing to go through sterilization processes orient themselves to the use of categorizations about what they understand it means to be a woman and to be a man. The data comes from psychological consultations, which constitute one of the legal requirements for sterilization in Brazil, according to the National Program of Family Planning. This paper also examines what types of activities are related to the social roles of women and men and how gender identities are negotiated and ratified among participants in and through the interaction


identities gênero identidades saúde da mulher gender linguagem linguistica aplicada fala-em-interação talk in interaction womens health language corpo body

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