ExtraÃÃo de pigmentos carotenÃides de resÃduos do processamento do camarÃo branco Litopenaeus vannamei utilizando autÃlise proteolÃtica




Carotenoids consist of the most abundant class of organic pigments in nature. They are present in the photosynthetic organisms, fungi, bacteria, algae and in all classes of animals from protozoa to human. They include an array of substances that present different biological properties such as enhancing immune functions; reduce the risk of developing degenerative diseases and stimulating gap junctions inter cellular communications. Shrimp waste is one of the most important natural sources of carotenoid. Here, it is proposed an alternative procedure to extract them by proteolytic hydrolysis from the waste (heads) of the shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei. Proteases of the animal themselves were used instead of commercially available protease Alcalase_. Previously, it was established that the enzymatic activity of the shrimp crude extract on azocasein was twice higher than that of the Alcalase_. The shrimp heads were minced with distilled water (1:1 w/v) and incubated at 40oC for 2h (autolysis). Then, the temperature was increased to 100oC for 10 min and centrifuged at 10.000 x g for 10 min. Carotenoids were recovered by 90% ethanol extraction from the precipitate as demonstrated by spectrophotometry (470nm). There was no difference in the amount of carotenoids extracted by this procedure compared with that employing Alcalase_. Astaxanthin was found to be the major carotenoid in the ethanol extract of Litopenaeus vannamei which was confirmed by chromatographic methods TLC, HPLC and spectroscopic methods using UV â visible analysis


enzimologia retextualizaÃÃo extraÃÃo de pigmentos carotenÃides chat e arquivos de log resÃduos do processamento do litopenaeus vannamei (camarÃo branco) aproveitamento de bioprodutos gÃneros textuais indÃstria camaroneira bioquimica

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