Youth, violence and collective action / Juventude, violência e ação coletiva




Introduction: The object of analysis of the present study are the collective actions developed to face violence and the social constructions of youths, parents, leaders and health professionals, educators and managers about what it is to be young and about violence in the administrative districts of Jardim Ângela and Grajaú, in the municipality of São Paulo. Objectives: to analyze and compare the processes that guide the collective actions and the participatory experiences of health promotion for youths carried out by governmental and non-governmental organizations, in order to face and resist violence, in the Administrative Districts of Grajaú and Jardim Ângela, aiming to contribute to the construction of a culture of peace and implementation of public policies targeted at the local youths. Methodology: qualitative case study that comprehended the articulation of data obtained through individual interviews, semi-structured forms, selfreported questionnaires and surveys of secondary data. For the analysis, the main methodological strategy used was triangulation of information. The theoretical framework founded on action sociology was the benchmark based on which the information was analyzed. Results: the mortality rate by aggressions/homicides showed a higher decreasing trend in the district of Jardim Ângela compared to Grajaú, from 2003 onwards. Despite the reduction registered in the violence indicators, they are still high in the two districts compared to the rest of the municipality. In the analysis of the youths protection network, it was verified that the interventionsmain objective is to reduce the risk of violence, focusing on education, culture, and socio-educational development. The interventions frequently encompass educational and cultural programs, sports practice and leisure. It was observed that the youths do not act as players in the public policies and in the collective actions in the districts, and also that those who do not attend school anymore are excluded from the public policies and from the entitiesprojects. Concerning the view of youth, the ones that predominate are: youth as a phase of difficulties and of transition to adult life; to the youths, it is a phase of entertainment and preparation for assuming future responsibilities. Their life projects are: studying and working. Family, school and work were considered important socialization institutions. The youths like the regions where they live, and they do not consider them violent, in opposition to the violence perceptions of the players that do not live in the districts. The main problems identified in the regions were lack of infrastructure, of basic sanitation, of premises for conviviality, leisure, cultural activities and equipment for the youths. Domestic violence is a serious problem in the regions, as well as alcohol and drug consumption and the traffics actions. Conclusion: in the District of Jardim Ângela, there was a greater mobilization of the civil society, with the development of collective actions to face violence, whereas in the District of Grajaú, there have been recent actions and articulations between the public power and the civil society to face the problem. In both districts, the researched youths are not the players of the actions. Those who do not study anymore do not have access to the entitiesactions and try to fulfill their life projects in another way: girls get pregnant and form a family and boys go to the streets, looking for informal and non-qualified jobs. The public policies and collective actions directed at youths are fragmented and disorganized in both districts. The youths protection network is diffuse, schools have a preponderant role and the entities have a vocation for assistentialism. In Jardim Ângela, the picture is a little different, due to the relevant role played by a network of entities leaded by the Catholic Church, and by the more integrated action of the Health Care Units.


violence health promotion rede e cultura de paz. subjetividade juventude promoção da saúde network and peace culture violência subjectivity youth

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