Youth, leisure and abusive use of alcohol / Juventude, lazer e uso abusivo de alcool




The contemporaneous relationship which has been established between abusive use of alcohol, youth and leisure has been the focus of concern and the theme of studies of different societal segments, due to both long and short term negative impacts that this has aroused. For this reason, this research aims to widen the knowledge about these subjects and phenomenon within the context where it occurs, in an attempt to have a better understanding of them. The relationship between leisure, youth and the use of drugs is regarded as one of the biggest contemporaneous phenomenon which has led to direct or indirect consequences in different segments of society. Alcohol is under the heading of licit drugs; therefore, it is licitly commercialized in this country. It is classified, according to CEBRID, as the favorite substance of consumption among Brazilian youngsters. Along with this situation, alcohol accounts for most car accidents, fights, assaults, arguments and deaths, especially among that age group. This is due to the reaction that it arouses within the nervous system, causing the person’s mental state to change rapidly, going from a very euphoric to a very deep state of sadness, from very sweet to very aggressive mood. Furthermore, one loses one’s capacity to ponder, to perceive one’s surroundings and, therefore everything seems to be seen in a distorted way. Sport performance is one of the most important leisure events in the country and the large majority of fans are youngster who organize their team supporters (the cheerers), and these have been the main actors in violent scenes as well as the scenario where violence for no apparent reason can be observed. The aim of this study was to identify the use of alcohol within the youth, frequenty sports events – Football, and to achieve that purpose, young supporters of a football team in the country were selected. With the use of qualitative method, the study was carried out through a combination of bibliographical and field research with the insertion of the researcher in football stadium during sport performances, with the application of AUDIT, an instrument to assess the degree of compromise between alcohol and the subject. 263 subjects were researched in different occasions within the football events in the sate of São Paulo during the paulista championship of 2007 and 2008. This challenge of approaching some specific existing aspects between leisure and drugs through the interrelation of current society represents an important attempt to understand the phenomenon, aiming to provoke a reflection and the necessary debate, however, taking care in order not to incur in moralistic and prejudiced conceptions which could lead to a simplistic and reductionist understanding of the theme proposed. Understanding the phenomenon, and the possible relationship between these and the conducts of risk through the pinpointing of alcohol use pattern and the activities carried out during free time, can lead us to propose actions that contribute both to the reduction of violence rate and the pattern of alcohol use within the population studied.


youth drugs drogas juventude leisure lazer

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