Youth, contexts and political participation / Juventude, contextos e participação política




The objective of this work was to analyse the relationship between youth and politics in contemporary times. The social-historical contexts from the 60 s and those of the current years were taken on account aiming at the verification wether apathy and comformism are predominat in the political behavior of the 2000 student generation. This study has discussed the impacts of the cultural industry, the neo-liberal project, the consumist culture, and of the post-modern paradigms on the socialization process as well as on the political subjectivity constitution from young students viewpoint. A qualitative empirical study with 446 high school students, 2 social moviment leaders, and 1 political party president was developed. After analysis, it was possible to verify that there is little disposition from the students part for political participation, even though they considered it possible to change social reality by means of collective political action. It was possible to conclude that, among the interviewed students, there is a predominat uncompromise with political action for social construction


juventude participação política socialização subjetivação política indústria cultural neoliberalismo ciencias sociais aplicadas youth political participation political subjectivation neoliberalism cultural industry socialization

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