Work and working in a rehabilitation team from the Family Health Program in São Paulo City / O trabalho e o trabalhador de uma equipe de reabilitação no Programa Saúde da Família do município de São Paulo




The performance of a rehabilitation team together with the Family Health Program (FHP), begun in the city of São Paulo in 2001, launches a unique service to attend people with deficiencies in primary care. Such service aims to establish a consciousness of protection of the rights of disabled people in order to dismantle the process of social exclusion by creating actions to promote the prevention of disabilities as well as education and rehabilitation through intersectorial interventions. This research seeks to understand and analyze aspects of the work organization of this rehabilitation team based on the theoretical framework of the service operation management. METHODS: Qualitative research conducted by means of case study following Yins principles (2003) which combined different procedures for data collection (desk research, semistructured interviews and questionnaires). Seven interviews were conducted with employees of a team of rehabilitation in 2007. Each source of evidence received a differentiated treatment according to the purpose of its use. And, later, the results obtained were compared for the construction of a chain of evidences on which a case study was built. RESULTS: It has been verified in this study that the concept of the service was not consolidated due to: 1. changes in public health policies that anchored this experience; 2. flaws in the project of the service, such as, the lack of detailing the work organization. These results had an impact on the workers who, before the weakening of the concept of the service, began to base their actions on individual strategies or specific demands, referring very little to the directives that ground the service. For the managers such situation is result of a difficulty to align their expectation with the actual service. CONCLUSION: The gap that exists between the operation and the concept needs to be completed in a two-way street. One way, approaching the theoretical propositions in the concept of the service from the daily reality of who performs the work. And, on the other way, reinforcing the premises of the project by the refinement and incorporation of the front-line professionals and managers


serviços de reabilitação terapia ocupacional health management gestão em saúde public health administration programa saúde da família family health program rehabilitations servicies occupational therapy

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