Violência sexual contra crianças e adolescentes e eficácia social dos direitos fundamentais infantojuvenis : subsídio à formulação de políticas públicas para o município de Maceió. / Sexual violence against children and adolescents and social effectiveness of the infancy and youthsl rights : subside to the formulation of public policy to the city of Maceió.




The present study aims to analyze, in the city of Maceió, the social effectiveness of the juridical norms that protect the children and the adolescents against any type of sexual violence. Initially, it has a reference on the treatment of the child in history, passing for international and national documents of protection, emphasizing the Doctrine of the Protection Integral, the Human Rights and the orienting principles of the Right of Infancy and Youth. At the second part, the paper discusses the sexual violence phenomenon, delimiting the abuse and the sexual exploration and the criminal norms about the subject. At the third moment, it is analyzed the social effectiveness of the norms and the public politics against the sexual violence. Once presented the theoretical part, the work is turned toward the empirical part, displaying all the information gotten by interviews and collections of data carried through in the agencies of protection of the child and the adolescent in the City of Maceió. Finally, the results are argued and some proposals are elaborated to combat this social problematic.


direito child and adolescent social effectiveness violência sexual criança e adolescente eficácia social sexual violence

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