Vantagem competitiva: precedentes teóricos da análise do diamante nacional de Porter.




The competitive advantage of nations. The theme already suggests diversity of dimensions and many possibilities of analysis of the aspects that became a nation more or less competitive in a certain economical context. Meanwhile, in the same way the analysis dimensions are multi-varied, countless questions accompany such intriguing theme. In which aspects would lie those advantages, or which factors would be decisive in the construction of advantages. Certainly, the competitive advantages of countries are one of the main elements in terms of international allocation of economic activity and capital flows. In Michael Porters model, the focus of this work, the competitiveness is analyzed in their main determinants and their inter-relationships. The model is presented and criticized in their deficiencies and gaps not sufficient s an explanatory of an economic development model.


michael porter competitive advantage michael porter desenvolvimento econômico economic development vantagem competitiva administracao publica

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