Vamos brincar?: continuidades e rupturas nas práticas curriculares da educação infantil e dos anos iniciais do ensino fundamental


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This study seeks to identify, through analysis of activities understood as games, the continuities and ruptures in the curricular practices of the final year of Kindergarten and first year of nine-year Elementary School. It is part of the Line of Research Public Policies for Basic and Higher Education, within the research group Public Politicies of Curriculum and Evaluation. The methodological approach is characterized by a qualitative focus. Data were gathered from the records of students activities in their final year of Kindergarten and first year of the Elementary School, at a school in the town of Itajaí, in the State of Santa Catarina. The concept of "play" was the element used to identify, in the material analyzed, the common and divergent points of the activities performed by the five-year old children in the final year of Kindergarten and six-year old children in the first year of nine-year Elementary School. The data analysis revealed three categories: Free Play as playful act, Guided Play as an educational resource, and Traditional Play a means of reviving childrens culture. This categorization is based on the studies of researcher Tizuko Morchida Kishimoto, and served as the basis for analyzing the public policies relating to nine-year Elementary School, which guide the insertion of 6-year old children in Elementary Schools. The research showed that free play is far more prevalent, and more respected, in the Kindergarten, while in Elementary Education, play is more guided by the teacher, with a greater emphasis on the required curriculum content. The framework for the implementation of a nine-year Elementary Education suggests a need to widen the concept of childhood, i.e., extend play for the six-year old children, suggesting that play practices be incorporated into the curriculum, and seeing play as a principle of pedagogical practice


brincar currículo política pública educacao brincadeiras curriculum public policies play

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