Vale a pena ver de novo? : juventude, escola e televisão.




This work describes the importance of communication means for the cultural formation of the students of Edvaldo Brandão Correia High School (C.E.B.C), located in the outskirts of Salvador, Brazil. The methodology used was the ethnographic research based on participant observation, interviews, workshops which resulted in a field notebook describing the culture of the students. The influence of television was evident in the students environment, because they had information provided by television in a high regard. That made student form groups based on the identities suggested by the media. Therefore television acts as a social institution that has pedagogical aspects in its structure which can interfere in people formation, mainly because it raises a power relation between a prestigious and a no prestigious group. Consequently the school needs to redefine its pedagogical practice and regard television as a source of information on daily facts, through a curriculum grounded in Cultural Studies, which should be able to consider youth and its culture, diversity, identity and difference basis, focusing on the goal of creating subject autonomy and value its multiple dimensions.


school television identidade estudos culturais juventude escola youth televisão cultural studies educacao identity

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