Vacancies in carbon nanotubes: electronic, structural and transport properties / Vacâncias em nanotubos de carbono: propriedades eletrônicas, estruturais e de transporte




The main purpose of this dissertation is the study of the electronic and structural properties in the presence of different types of vacancies, in one of the most promising materials for nanoelectronics, carbon nanotubes. The defects studied in this work are monovacancy and multivacancies in (5, 5) armchair carbon nanotubes. For that purpose perform quantum ab initio calculations based on density functional theory (DFT). Firstly, was made a systematic study of monovacancies varying its concentration, so we can understand what is the influence of the distance between these defects in the system. Undergoes reconstruction pentagon nonagon from14.784Å on words the effect of the potential created by the vacancy is practically negligible. Following this systematic approach, we also found that from 19.712Å the structural interaction between the defects tends to zero. In all band structures one observes impurity bands, characterized by charge localization in the defect, mainly in the dangling bond. Using the NEB (nudge elastic band) procedure we obtained a value of 0.55eV for the migration barrier of the monovacancy. This value provides an approximate time of 0.156ms at 300K for the vacancy to jump from one site to another on the nanotube network. Hence, we determined that the monovacancy presents a great mobility in the system, which may possibly inccur in two ore more vacancies merging with others to form a larger defect, such as clusters of monovacancies or a hole multivacancy. Following our goal, we conducted a systematic study of multivacancies. We determined all reconstructions of these defects. We observed that multivacancies with and even number of carbon atoms removed had only pentagons and a central region. In contrast the CNT with and odd numbers of carbon atoms removed have pentagons, a central region and a dangling bond in its final structure. Once we have defined the structures and the energies of the multivacancies, we calculated their electronic properties. It is clear that the influence of these defects is much more drastic than the monovacancy, due to the size of the defect in the system. We calculated the electronic transport for all systems, using a non-equilibrium Greens functions method (NEGF-DFT), developed in our group. From these calculations, we observed that all the defects alter the electronic structure of the system, but even for the largest multivacancy, the system maintains its metallic character. Using the Greens functions techniques, we show that the use of periodic boundary conditions leads to the emergence of spurious mini-gaps. These do not appear when the translational symmetry is broken using Greens function approach and a true open system is considered.


transporte eletrônico electronic structure vacâncias electronic transport estrutura eletrônica carbon nanotubes defects nanotubos de carbono vacancies

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