Uso de termos mentais por crianças de 2 a 5 anos em interação com suas mães e pares




The present research is situated on the social cognitive area and involves a study about the theory of the mind. In this field the comprehension about how the subject acquires the capacity of attributing mental states, emotions and intentions (to oneself and to the other) is sought. Also, it allows the child to explain and foretell their own behavior and the behavior of the others. For some authors (Astingson &Gopnick, 1991; Camaioni, 1993; Olson, 1990; Wimmer, Perner e Sodian, 1990) the theory of the mind resides in the following abilities: a) recognizing self and the others as a possible objects of thoughts; b) to recognize the mental the mental states of the others as well as differentiate them from the oneself; c) to name the ones mental states and the mental states of other people. The use of terms that reffears to mental states ( to think, to know, to want, etc.) is important to verify the development of a theory of mind. The present study aims to verify that some changes may occur in the use of mental terms through out the period in which the literature points it as the phase in which the theory of mind is developed. It also aims to perceive that there are differences in the use of the mental terms for children between two to five years old, interacting with their mothers and friends that already have the theory of the mind (co-participants between six and eighth years old). Before the above objectives a display composed of 24 participants was made. That display was formed by children at the age between 2.6 to 5 years old. The participants went through two types of situations. In one situation the examiner disposed the toys (building games, dolls, little cars, puzzles, modeling dough, etc.) for both mother and child to play. In the other situation, the examiner proposed that they would make hand work together with the available material (glues, scissors, different kinds of papers, magazines, color pencils, eraser, graphite pencil, etc. the same situations were also proposed in the same situations were also proposed in the interactions between the child and his friend. The results demonstrate that the majority of the younger children utilize mental terms referents to their own mental states. However, the older one utilizes them when they are referring to the mental states of other people. In another data it was verified that the younger uses mental terms predominantly in the situation of interjection with their mother. The way that the verbal interaction of the mothers with their children occurs seems to favor the use of it. In the other hand the older children makes use of the mental terms referring to them selves an the others, either interacting to themselves and to the others, either interacting with their mothers or with their friends, showing variability in the function and in the context in which the terms are used. The older children also utilized expressions that demonstrated one comprehension of the mental states as interior and dependents on informative sources.


teoria da mente análise comparativa theory of mind desenvolvimento social cognitivo crianças mente (cognição) teoria mental terms mental states psicologia cognitiva psicologia cognitiva linguagem

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