Urbanismo no Brasil império: a saúde pública na cidade de São Paulo no século XIX (hospitais, lazaretos e cemitérios). / The public health in the city of São Paulo in the century XIX hospitals, isolation hospitals e cemiteries.




The intention of this research was to investigate as in the city of São Paulo, in elapsing of century XIX, the co-participation of knowing doctors to them, of engineering, of the architecture and the performance of the administrators they had implied in the modification in the urban configuration of the city and had defined a new structure in organization and functioning. It investigates, over all, the debate and practical the relative ones to the implantation of the hospitals, isolation hospitals, cemeteries and saint marries of mercy through the urban historical study of the São Paulo city. It tried to perceive how the urban practice implemented by the administrators through the doctors and engineers were based on the miasma theory. These buildings, according to related theory, would contain organic substance that when decomposing, exhaled miasmas, and therefore, they would have to be situated outside of the urban defined borders at that time. The studies had been made under the point of view of the public health, investigating the origin and formation of the buildings relating them, and the relation of these buildings with the urban way. It is also distinguished in this research, how the prescriptions in the medicine and architecture treaties about the salubrious of the cities, had been transferred to the legislation, through the Municipal Laws. By means of the law off August 30th of 1828, that it extinguished the positions of Physicist and Surgeon, the City councils had started to be responsible for public health and, through the Imperial Decree of October 1st of 1828, established it form of the elections of the members of the City councils and included the first Code of Positions in the organic law of the respective Chambers.


século xix lazaretos teorias médicas saint marries of mercy public health configuração urbanística hospitais são paulo arquitetura e urbanismo xix century medical theories são paulo cemitérios salubridade salubrious casas de misericórdia saúde pública hospitals urban configurations isolation hospitals cemeteries

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