Universalização de serviços públicos na Internet para o exercício da cidadania: análise crítica das ações do Governo Federal




This study analyzed the evolution of the situation the Brazilian in relation to the universalization of public services on the Internet to foster the exercise of citizenship, in the scope of the Federal Government. This work is set within the interdisciplinary perspective of information science, as it deals with topics as social exclusion, its relationship with telecommunication services, as well as information and public service policies. It was carried out from September 2000 to December 2003, with a starting point at the launching of a book called Green Book, part of Information Society Program in Brazil. The most important issues that influence the universalization of public services rendered to the population have been identified and analyzed. Some of these issues are the following: digital exclusion, Internet infrastructure, and the high charges for Internet access in Brazil. The logic surrounding the free of charge Internet and the increase in the amounts charged by operators of the Fixed Telephone Service have been analyzed. The methodological proceedings adopted were: data collection by Anatel [Brazilian National Telecommunication Agency] to identify the amounts charged in for local te calls from 1998 to 2003; the analysis of the relationship among the Digital Exclusion Map of the Neri (2003), the Atlas of Social Exclusion of the Pochmann &Amorim (2003), and the Digital Access Index of the International Telecommunication Union (2003) attributed to Brazilian States. In addition, the Portal Rede Governo [Government Network Portal] has been evaluated regarding its content, usefulness and functionality, based on the Vilellas Methodology (2003). To evaluate the Federal Government actions, documents from the files of the committees for digital inclusion have been studied, as well as the governments net infrastructure as well as management of sites and online services from the electronic government. Also, three coordinators from the e-gov committees have been interviewed to identify the e-gov strategies for the coming years. This study concluded that the Government Network Portal has failed to fulfill some methodological criteria, although it has been given above average marks in relation to usefulness and functionality. This study has also confirmed that the areas of digital exclusion are the ones of social exclusion existing in Brazil. Actions from the e-gov committees, which could bring solutions to the lack of Internet infrastructure in Brazilian municipalities with no Internet providers, have not been noticed. Neither have proposals that could lead to a change in the way that Internet access has been charged. In addition, initiatives from the committees to establish partnerships with both NGOs and the private sector have not been identified. On the other hand, a tendency could be observed for the use of a collective Internet access model to fight info-exclusion by e-gov. This study concluded that there is no consistent public policy to foster digital inclusion throughout Brazil on set goals for the universalization of digital public services in the Country, although there has been specific legislation in force since the 1990s. Finally, it was possible to conclude that the definitions from Anatel regarding the disaggregation of the STFC networks (unbundling) and the implementation of the Digital Communication Service will be vital for the success of the universalization of the public services rendered to Brazilian citizens. xvii Keywords: Universalization; Public Services; Citizenship; Information Society; Green Book; Internet; Digital Inclusion; electronic government.


informação eletrônica tecnologia da informação serviços públicos administração pública ciencia da informacao documentação sociedade da informação

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