Uma proposta de linguagem visual orientada a objetos para programação de microcontroladores




This thesis presents a feasibility investigation about use of new engineering software methodologies in microcontroller systems. The approach is to use object oriented programming paradigm with visual programming to build a more productive microcontroller programming language. It was developed a microcontroller programming language, called 0++. The main feature of this language is to use, at the same time, graphical structures and text to represent data and procedures. Also, it was designed to combine the reusability of object-oriented programming and the accessibility of visual programming. It allows the development of applications using visual object-oriented structures in order to improve quality and accessibility of information exchange in microcontroller systems software design...Note: The complete abstract is available with the full electronic digital thesis or dissertations


sistmas embutidos de computador programação visual (computação) linguagem orientada a objetos (computação)

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