Uma experiÃncia de avaliaÃÃo dos impactos da formaÃÃo de capital humano em programas sociais: o caso do programa de lideranÃa e desenvolvimento social (PLDS) no nordeste Brasileiro




The objective of this research is to evaluate how the qualification of manpower by the LSDP (Leadership and Social Development Program) has an impact on the effectiveness of social programs, in Northeast Brazil, from a joint action of articulated social projects. It uses the inductive method, with data collection and treatment techniques through direct and intensive observation, and semi-structured questionnaires, with scales to measure attitudes. The data analysis procedures, for patterned and structured matters, happens through the strategy of the statistical technique of the SPSS (Statistic Package for Social Science), utilizing standard deviation and frequency of distribution. For the analysis of the contents, a survey of the themes was held through the qualitative techniques of Idea Mapping and statistical analysis of the text, for qualitative and follow-up issues, by the ALCESTE, as well as the application of a non-parametric statistical test, named Wilcoxon signedrank test, allowing us to compare the existing intervention before and after the accomplishment of the Program. The data results are shown by tables, charts and graphics, using the Excel software and the SPSS and ALCESTE platforms. The research universe corresponds to the LSDPâs territorial range, from 2003 to 2006, adding up to: 58 participants, 23 original organizations and 18 articulated projects for joint actions. In order to accomplish the investigation, a non-probabilistic sampling was used, guided by geographical convenience criteria of the assignments carried through by the LSDP III participants, in the states of PiauÃ, ParaÃba, Pernambuco, Alagoas e Bahia, between 2005 and 2006. From teamwork and reflexive learning spirit, we have concluded that: the LSDP, considered as an inflection point of participantsâ, has made possible an environment for the action-reflexion-action process; promoted multiple-reach action in 14 communities; formed 110 leaderships and stimulated, through 06 Fieldworks, inter-institucional dialogue actions in microregions of Northeast Brazil. Therefore, the LSDP has directly influenced social programs in the following areas: in the participantsâ scope, stimulating the development of critical skills/habilities; the participants together with the youngsters from the communitiesâ scope, making the exchange of experience/ integration possible; and in the political scope, it stimulated learderships to become facilitators of knowledge on local and regional public policies, inserting young people as leading characters in this process inside this joint management and in the incitement of the groups associated to the projects in the micro-regions


leadership lideranÃa juventude mudanÃa social youth social change servico social

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