PÃs-GraduaÃÃo Lato Sensu como formaÃÃo continuada: um estudo da experiÃncia de curso na UFPE




This study analyzed the experience of a course of specialization lato sensu in Centro de EducaÃÃo at Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE). It looked into which model that course is based, either on an articulated continuous process toan organic proposal or on spontaneous demands. To do so, it aimed at analyzing the methodological and theoretical suppositions in which the proposal of the course of specialization in school management and pedagogical coordination) are based on, considering the influences of the university and society contexts. The methodological source, that gave theoretical support to the reading, analysis and understanding was Technique of Content Analysis Bardin (1979), Vala (1999) and Franco (2003), from what some theoretical categories could be merged such as continuous process, professor qualification, lato sensu specialization and the social role of the university in rendering to these demands. The results of the research come to the conclusion that, in spite of the expressive demand, the course takes place in a fragmented way, without paying too much attention to the teaching systems, even the recent legislation points out to its organization in a more articulated way. The results, therefore, come to the conclusion that all we need is to give it other concepts, recreate it and improve it by adapting it to the learning processes, articulated between teaching, research and extension, compatible to the demands by global focuses and background complexes at present days


educacao educaÃÃo - fformaÃÃo de professores educaÃÃo - formaÃÃo continuada brasil

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