Uma casa para Clarice : proposta para criaÃÃo de um Museu Interativo para a cidade do Recife, 2009




Based on the analysis of the Public Cultural Policy of the Town Hall of the City of Recife for the period from 2009 to 2019, which is still in the final stage of drafting, and the promulgation of which has already been announced for May of this year, the core of this dissertation is to put forward the proposal for creating an interactive museum for Clarice Lispector, the writer, poetess and story-teller of great international standing who lived here between 1925 and 1935. From what has been argued, it is necessary to record that this is not about an evaluation of a public cultural policy as a whole, but rather only with regard to the administration of the museums under municipal management and, in this universe, taking into consideration Clariceâs legacy, to demonstrate that it is viable to build another museum in Recife; as has already been emphasized, along interactive lines, a feature of the globalized world. Even here, in addition to the how to conceive of the museum, the linkage to Sustainable Development has also been sought, as a theoretical approach, given the understanding that the promotion of culture is also a vector of economic, social development, naturally arising from attracting resources from public-private partnerships and one which fosters the training of a skilled labor force. In order to construct the theoretical axis, researchers from the areas of Museology, Public Cultural Policies, Memory, Oral History and Sustainable Development pooled their expertise, special mention being due to Maria das GraÃas Rua, Bresser Pereira, Jacques Le Goff, Antonio Torres Montenegro, Krishan Kumar and Ignacy Sachs .In order to construct the theme and to reconstruct scenes from Recife, in the 1920s and 1930s, what were fundamental were the texts of Gilberto Freyre, Antonio Paulo Rezende and Edvania Torres. Naturally biographers and literary critics could not fail to be part of this universe, as well as authors such as Nadia Battelle Gotlib and Teresa Cristina Montero Ferreira having a place in the text. This search is defined by its qualitative nature. As to the purposes and means, in accordance with the taxonomy adopted by Vergara, it is deemed to be exploratory, descriptive, explanatory, bibliographic, based on documents and field research, in particular, semi-structured interviews with actors who occupy administrative positions in the areas of culture, no matter whether these arise from the municipal, state or private spheres. The density of the work and legacy of Clarice Lispector required, of course, the record of other points of view, such as from other poets, writers and journalists.


cultura museu interativo memory desenvolvimento sustentÃvel interactive museum memÃria culture administracao publica sustainable development

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