Um modelo multiescalas de autômatos celulares para pandemia da dengue / A multiscale cellular automata model for the pandemic of Dengue




The dramatic resurgence and emergence of epidemic dengue and dengue hemorragic fever in the last two decades neatly define a global pandemic. The dispersion of dengue viruses combines local infections of humans bited by infective mosquitoes inside a city with long-range transmissions to non-infective vectors that feed the blood of infected people arriving from other urban areas. In the present work a cellular automata model for dengue epidemic is proposed and investigated through large-scale computer simulations. The model takes into account the main features concerning the population dynamics of mosquitoes and humans and the disease transmission cycle. Furthermore, the model is defined on a scale-free network in which each node is a square lattice in order to properly describe the environment as urban centers interconnected through a national transportation system. A nonzero epidemic threshold is found and it is approached with a power law behavior by the density of infected individuals, as observed in the small-world network of Watts and Strogatz. Also, it is studied the importance of three parameters for the dengue spreading: the diffusivity of the mosquitoes, the probability of a mosquito bites humans, and the travel s probability of people between two interconnected cities. Finally, maps of infected individuals are obtained in order to caracterise the epidemic spreading.


scale-free networks epidemic dengue dengue epidemias redes livres de escalas fisica da materia condensada

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