Avascular tumor modelling: from celular automata to multiscale models / Modelagem de tumores avasculares: de autômatos celulares a modelos de multiescala




The majority of the clinically used anti-cancer therapies has been developed empirically [1], but the tumour and organism response to these therapies are nonlinear. Therefore mathematical models might be complementary (may be necessary) tools for the understanding of the drug response dynamics in the organism. In this dissertation, some of these models are studied. Particularly, we propose a strategy to grow isotropic on-lattice Eden clusters, a basic stochastic model for avascular tumour growth. The patterns were characterized through the interface width, evaluated in relation to a fixed origin or to the border centre-of-mass, and by the difference between the axial and diagonal growth probabilities. Also, we analysed a multiscale model for tumour virotherapy in which the nutrient and virus concentrations are described by macroscopic reaction-diffusion equations and microscopic stochastic rules govern the actions of individual tumour cells. The main aim of this work part is to determine the state diagram in the parameter space. The range of the model parameters was estimated from experimental data and the cancer cell response to the virus injections exhibits four distinct behaviors, all experimentally observed. The parameter values that generate each one of these dominant behaviors were determined.


câncer modelos de multiescala fisica da materia condensada cancer multiscale models fenômenos de crescimento growth phenomena

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