Dinâmica crítica de modelos de spin, autômatos celulares e polipeptídeos. / Critical dynamics of spin models, cellular automata and polypeptides.




In this work we investigated dynamic properties of statistical mechanical models at criticality. At first, using the concepts of global persistence and anomalous dimension of initial magnetization, we showed that the Baxter-Wu model does not belong to the same universality class as 4-state Potts model and Ising with multispin interaction in one direction. In the sequence, we studied the roughening behavior generated by deposition governed by rules defined by probabilistic cellular automata proposed by Grassberger (A and B models). Those models are known do not belong to the Domany-Kinzel universality class. They are characterized by different exponents which are related to the parity conserving (PC). We estimated the growth exponent beta w, in short-time regimen, such as, other critical exponents associated to the surface growth (alpha and z). Our results are in good agreement with those expected for parity conserving universality class. At last we studied the phase transition between the completely helical state and the random coil of the polyalanine, such as, for the 34-residue human parathyroid fragment PTH(1-34). Our short-time simulations of the helix-coil transition are based on a detailed all-atom representation of proteins. The results indicate that helix-coil transition in polyalanine and PTH(1-34) is a second-order phase transition and suggest a universality class to the helix-coil transition in homopolymer and (helical) proteins.


dinâmica fora do equilíbrio simulação monte carlo nonequilibrium dynamics monte carlo simulation modelo de crescimento persistência global helix-coil transition. transição helix-coil. surface growth process

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