Um modelo baseado em conhecimento para simular rebanhos de bovinos de corte / A knowledge: based model to simulate beef cattle herds




This work presents a developing approach of simulation models, including the necessary computing tools and techniques, and, also, a supporting methodology for project design and implementation. A beef cattle simulation model was developed by using the SimuCAD methodology (graphic computing and simulation applied to the study of productive systems). This methodology, based on system simulation concepts and knowledge-based systems, was adapted to perform in the cattle breeding business. The developed model represents an extensive beef cattle production system that is generic enough to be applied in any kind of cattle breeding. It simulates the managing politics of the cattle breeders and has the advantage of being friendly enough to be used by anyone, even by non-simulatingskilled persons. The model was tested and validated by using the actual data of a beef cattle production farm


simulation methods artificial intelligence simucad methodology simulation beef cattle metodos de simulação bovino de corte inteligencia artificial beef cattle knowledge-based system

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