Um elemento finito hierarquico para analise dinamica P-adaptativa de placas espessas




The purpose of this research is to present an adaptive process of hierarchical refinement, based on the p-version parametric formulation from the Finite Element Method. The process is applied on the resolution of generalized dynamic eigenvalue problem of thick plates in the linear elasticity mode. The first leveI of approximation of the solution is obtained through the isoparametric 3D element of sixteen nodes, proposed in this work, using functions of interpolation from the standard type derived from the Serendipity family. For other approximation levels, successive hierarchical refinements are used, according to the information acquired from the a-posteriori error analysis. The selective distribution of new degrees of freedom in the elements in need of refinement is processed according to the utilization of an error indicator. To evaluate the global error of a solution, an error estimator is considered and it also works as a main criterion for the stopping of the process of hierarchical refinement. It is showed that the implementation of the 3D element in the adopted p-adaptive process produces solutions with high rate of convergence. The numerical results obtained in the application examples are compared with analytical solutions and other numerical techniques


analise numerica matematica para engenharia metodo dos elementos finitos

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