Travessias na luz e na sombra: as trajetórias profissionais de administradores de recursos humanos - os seus percursos de formação, de trabalho e de profissionalização no âmbito da gestão de pessoas




This thesis is a process and a product of my doctoral research project, developed at the Pos Graduate Studies Program in Education of the Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos UNISINOS. The research project is situated in the study field of Work and Education. Its topic is the professional careers of undergraduates of the Business Administration Program specialized in Human Resources. I studied the professional careers of the members of this group in the unfolding, articulation and interdependence between the careers and contexts of training, work and professional development in the area of human resources management. This is a topic that establishes a tension between the world of the university and the world of work. The research projects general goal is to analyze and understand the construction of the professional careers and the professional insertion of human resources managers in their daily realities and experiences: a) in the initial and continued education; b) in work (work process: the activity, the object of work, the means of work, the job); and c) of professional development. This is a qualitative, cross-sectional research that used as strategies of data collection a survey, interviews, documents and a focal group and as strategies of data analysis statistic and the Discourse of Collective Subject (Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo - DSC). The study of the professional careers shows how contradictory, ambivalent and paradoxical they are. Thus, they are tense, often inconsistent careers, full of lights and shadows. The professional careers of these subjects are constructed in the context of capitalistic companies in the execution of the job of human resources management. The human resources managers are constituted as such, are trained, work and define their professional careers by having the organization as a reference and by assimilating its orientation, values and knowledge. They strongly identify with and subject themselves to the ideas, goals and purposes of the companies. However, they somehow resist the dehumanization processes in their work and express feelings, thoughts and reactions of indignation to them


professional insertion recurso humano professional development professional training educacao trabalho educational experiences professionalism empresa profession initial education administrador labour administração continuing education processes formação profissional human resources management education work professional knowledge professional career

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