Tratamento com taurina e interferon beta influencia a expressão do complexo de histocompatibilidade principal de classe I (MHC I) e a formação de sinapses em células PC12 / Interferon beta and taurine treatment induce major histocompatibility complex class I (MHC I) upregulation and synapse plasticity in PC12 cells


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




It has been demonstrated that MHC I up regulation by exogenous treatment with interferon beta (IFN beta) influences the glial reaction and the synaptic elimination process. Also, the amino acid taurine has been shown to positively influence neuronal survival and plasticity. Nevertheless, the establishment of an in vitro model for studying the synaptic formation/elimination process and its relationship with MHC I expression has not yet been proposed. Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate the effects of the IFN beta and taurine treatments, alone or diluted in glial medium (derived from the NG97 gliome), on the expression of MHC I and synaptic formation in PC12 cells. Established cultures were subjected to the IFN beta (500 and 1000 IU) and taurine treatments (0.025 and 0.050mg/ml) for 5 and 10 days. Finally the cells were fixed and processed for immuno-cytochemistry with antisera against MHC I (OX18) and synaptophysin. The results were compared with control cultures only treated with basal or conditioned medium. The results showed that IFNbeta (500 IU) and taurine (0.025 mg) modulated the MHC I expression in PC12 cells, especially after 10 days of treatment. IFN and taurine displayed opposite effects, such that IFN induced MHC I up regulation, while taurine induced down regulation. In both cases, the highest doses caused culture degeneration. Interestingly, the differential regulation of MHC I was paralleled by enhancement or a decrease in synaptic plasticity, respectively. The use of the NG97 conditioned medium together with IFNbeta or taurine led to a decrease in synaptic stability. Altogether, the present data indicate that PC12 cells may be used as an in vitro model for studying MHC I modulation and synaptic plasticity. It also reinforced the role of IFNbeta on synaptic elimination and indicated that taurine was able to increase the synaptic network formation.


glioma sinapse interferon beta taurina genes classe i do complexo de histocompatibilidade (mhc) gliome synapse nervous system interferon beta taurine mhc class i genes sistema nervoso

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