Transoperatory infusion of aminoacids and glucose. / Infusão transoperatória de aminoácidos e glicose.




It s been described for almost 50 years that weight loss at the preoperative period increases the postoperative mortality. Many factors, besides the malnutrition itself, contribute to this situation, for example, the patient illness, the surgical procedure, associated infections and others. It’s also known that in trauma, organic or not, there are disorders in proteic and aminoacid metabolism and an increase on release of catabolic hormones. This study has the objective to evaluate if the endovenous infusion of a amino acid and glucose solution, in a peripheric vein, in patients submitted to a surgical procedure, modifies the patients response to the trauma and/or the nitrogen retention. We studied 18 patients from the Surgery Division of the Clinical Hospital of the Federal University of Alagoas. The same medical team followed all patients. After evaluation and consent of the realization of the study, they went on an assessment of the nutritional status and were randomized in 2 groups. The group I (control group), during the perioperative period received a solution of lactate ringer and glucose 5%, as is usually done at this hospital. The group II (test group), besides the referred solution, received a mixture of amino acids 6,6% and glucose 16,6%, meaning 50g of protein and 250g of glucose during the transoperatory period. There was no statistic difference between the groups studied in what concerns to age, sex, biochemistry tests, aminoacids and adrenalin urinary concentration at the pre or postoperative periods. It has also been observed that group II, that received a solution with aminoacid and glucose, hasn’t excreted more nitrogen through pre, trans and postoperative periods in comparation to group I, maintaining similar values of group I 24 hours after the anesthesic procedure. However, though group II had excreted similar values of nitrogen in comparation to group I, it had a nitrogened balance less negative than group I (p<0,05) retaining approximately 40% more aminoacidic nitrogen. From that, we conclude that the parenteral infusion of aminoacidic nitrogen 6,6% and glucose 16,6% at the transoperative period may be a benefit to patients under surgical stress.


metabolic stress cirurgia estresse mmetabólico trauma metabolismo cirúrgico surgery surgical metabolism

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