TransformaÃÃo estrutural e produtividade agregada no Brasil




This dissertation aims to build a model to capture the impact of productivity between sectors and their implications on the structural transformation - the reallocation of labor between agriculture, industry and services. Possession of the model assessed the consequences of this movement on the aggregate productivity in Brazil between the years 1950 to 2003, compared it to other Latin American countries and China. Although there is a decrease in the difference in productivity between countries used, the results indicate a long way to be mapped by Brazil, caused by the poor performance of industry growth from the second half of the sample used. Despite the importance of agriculture among the countries used, the industrial and services sectors show be the major responsible for the rapprochement between those countries


produtividade setorial transformaÃÃo estrutural empregro labor productivity employment produtividade do trabalho structural transformation sectorial productivity economia

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