Trajetória de mulheres na gestão de instituições públicas profissionalizantes ; um olhar sobre os Centros Federais de Educação Tecnológica / The paths of women in management at vocational education public institutions: a look at the Federal Centers for Technological Education




The present research aims at investigating the paths of women in management positions of public federal institutions which offer vocational education. It focuses on the Federal Centers for Technological Education (CEFETs), featuring the current participation of women in the management staff at the CEFETs. It investigates more intensely the characteristics of the institutions that reveal women in the position of educational management, such as presidents or chancellors. We have identified the growth, even if in a small scale, of women occupying management positions. The research initially analyses CEFETs history in the vocational education of the country, establishing brief relations with the evolution of womens participation in different national settings. This work also explores the paths of women by analysing different aspects (obstacles, challenges, losses) which involve the interrrelation of being a woman/manager, comprising the perceptions of the interviewed subjects. During the research, interviews were conducted with presidents/deans with the objective of recognizing their paths, their difficulties in adminstrating their lives as women, mothers, wives and professionals, as well as their joys in achieving triumphs. One other aspect which became evident was the difficulty of acceptance and/or prejudice, many times very much dissimulated in the daily lives of these women, from the choice of their professions to the times of fulfilling management positions in these institutions, indicating their own working styles and perceptions of how to cope with each situation in the working environment.


mulher cefet gênero educacao cefet gestão educacional women trabalho gender work educational management

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