Traduzindo o Brazil: o país mestiço de Jorge Amado / Translating Brazil: Jorge Amados mestizo country




The first book by Jorge Amado in English translation was published in the United States in 1945 by Alfred A. Knopf Publishers, under the auspices of the U.S. State Department, who sponsored a cultural interchange program as part of president Roosevelts the Good Neighbor Policy. Translated literature was seen, at the time, as a way of understanding the other. Érico Veríssimo, Gilberto Freyre, Alfred and Blanche Knopf, Samuel Putnam and Harriet de Onís were actors in this scenario. In spite of his support of the tenets of the political left, after leaving the Communist Party in the late 1950s Jorge Amado became an American bestseller, a result of such diplomatic movement as well as Alfred A. Knops translation project. Nevertheless, other influence networks also affected the authors reception in the United States, which turned out to be quite different from that in the Eastern Europe, for instance. This research investigates the relation between the aforementioned actors, such influence network and Brazils cultural representation in Jorge Amados translated literature in the United States.


alfred knopf jorge amado alfred knopf cultural representation política da boa vizinhança representação cultural good neighbor policy jorge amado tradução translation

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