IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This dissertation is a bibliographical research on translation, novel language and film language. Its aim is to compare, first, among themselves, three Portuguese language translations of the novel Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen. Then do the comparison of them with the source text in English. After that, make the confrontation of the namesake film language, adapted in 2005 and directed by Joe Wright, with the source language of the literary work. Translations were made by Lúcio Cardoso, Enrico Corvisieri e Roberto Leal Ferreira. In this research, we presented, first, a comprehensive theoretical framework of multiple methods and technical procedures of translation through a timeline that begins in the fourth century AD, with Jerome, and ends in 1990 with Jacques Derrida. Then we did a collation of the translations with the original work and a comparison of the film language with the source language of the novel. With respect to the above-mentioned translators, Roberto Leal Ferreira made the more literal and semantic translation, because it preserves the content and form of the source text. Regarding the film language, it is equivalent to the language of the novel in terms of language levels, though it is more concise because of the length of the movie, sticking to the crucial aspects of the fictional story. Conclusion shows that there is no mutual understanding regarding the definition of translation, nor exist procedures that address and solve all possible problems that may arise from various situations of translation. The methods and procedures address the same dichotomies: content and form, word translation and translation of meaning, fidelity to the author or to the reader, and nationalization or foreignization. We found that the novel Pride and Prejudice is a valuable laboratory to practice the technical procedures of translation, considering that various procedures, such as additions, deletions, omissions, clarifications, borrowings, literal translations, transpositions, modulations, equivalences and adaptations have been found in the evaluated translations. The relationship between translation, language of the novel and film language, often conflicting, is pacific in the collation between Pride and Prejudice, the movie and Orgulho e Preconceito, considering that the abovementioned translators and the film scriptwriter were able to bring into the target language and into the movie language the meanings of the source text without apparent losses.


jane austen orgulho e preconceito tradução linguagem literária linguagem cinematográfica letras jane austen pride and prejudice translation literary language film language

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