Tradução comentada da obra "Vida de Michelangelo Buonarroti", escrita por Ascanio Condivi / Annoted translation of the book "La vita di Michelangelo Buonarroti", written by Ascanio Condivi




This work is an annoted translation of the book La Vita di Michelangelo Buonarroti, written by Ascanio Condivi, which is a reference in Classic Art’s historiography. In the development of this translation, a comparison of determinated aspects of both Vite di Michelangelo, one written by Giorgio Vasari and the other written by Ascanio Condivi is made. Among with these two versions of Vite di Michelangelo Buonarroti other biographies on the same matter written later on are also used as material of comparison on a secondary basis. An analises is made on the role that some questions represent on this particular universe. Specially the way in which religious and astrologycal beliefs of that time have inffluenced the discussions on the artist’s social position. We may say that the dicotomy between the two most important points of view on Art of that period – one belonging to Michelangelo Buonarroti, and the other belonging to Rafaello – are justified by astrologycal explains when dealing with matters such as predestination of the individual and how it alters his condition as an artist. Another matter is the reincidence of two central themes for Michelangelo on his latest years: the terror (expressed in art as the feeling of unmeasurement of the divine as opposed to humane), and pity (indentifyable in the series of Pietà made in thet period). Secondly, discussions as Condivi’s need to establish a nobel origin to the Buonarroti’s family, among other matters that have come up during the development of this work.


michelangelo buonarroti renaissance art italian painters arte renascentista - italia pintores italianos

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