Topological studies of periodic orbits in the experimental Chua s circuit / Estudo topológico de órbitas periódicas no circuito experimental de Chua




We have studied the dynamical behavior of experimental time series obtained from a Chua s circuit by variation of two parameter control, $Delta R_1$ and $Delta R_2$. We investigated the chaotic and periodic behaviors of the circuit, analyzing temporal series around and inside of two periodic windows in the two-parameter space $(Delta R_1,Delta R_2)$. In the period-three window neighborhood, we analyzed how the symbolic dynamics changes when it is built by different Poincaré sections of an attractor, and we studied the dimension of return map, one- or two-dimensional, for many chaotic attractors in this region of the parameter space. In this neighborhood, we also applied topological techniques to confirm the existence of chaotic fibers: codimension one curves where the chaotic properties of the attractors remain unchanged in the two-parameter space.Around the period-four window, we investigated, by template analysis, the transition between three chaotic attractors found in the Chua s circuit. We proposed a template for chaotic regime of the circuit after merge-crisis. Finally, we investigated the bifurcations and topological structure of periodic orbits in period-three and period-four windows and also proposed a topological parameter space, based in a bimodal map model, that describe these two periodic windows.


órbitas periódicas symbolic dynamics circuito de chua dinâmica simbólica caracterização topológica topological characterization molde topológico periodic orbits template chua s circuit

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