TICs na escola: balanço de teses e dissertações brasileiras produzidas no período de 1990 a 2010 / ICT in schools: evaluation of theses and dissertations produced in Brazil in the period 1990 to 2010


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The information and communication technologies (ICTs), specifically the computer and the Internet, are a recent phenomenon in the processes of communication and relationship between people. Its growing importance in the history of mankind justifies a more detailed study of the influence it has on people. Considering ICTs as an expression of a specific social and cultural context and emphasizing the relationship between people and technology, the research aimed to investigate connections between the school and these "new" media resources. Due to the significant increase in Brazilian academic production on technology in education, research suggests, through literature search, investigate referrals data from these studies to the problems involved in the school. The research examined the relationship ICT in school and academic productions of different areas that have addressed the issue. For this purpose, we used the masters dissertations and doctoral theses papers registered in the database of the Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Capes). The choice of this data source is justified by the concentration of academic productions of the country to discuss the issue. For data collection, forms and analyses frameworks was used in order to collect specific data that allow comparison and interpretation of these scholarly works under the assumption that the inclusion of massive technological devices in the school reflects the conception of preparation , or better, the adaptation of the individual technologybased society. Data analysis was done based on the theoretical background of some authors of the Frankfurt School, especially Adorno, Horkheimer and Marcuse. This approach was chosen in view of the structure of the concepts of technological rationality, cultural industry, semi-formation and formation requiring to think questions about school - society


escola tics pesquisa bibliográfica teoria crítica da sociedade topicos especificos de educacao school ict literature critical theory of society

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